Wednesday, July 24, 2013

DRAGON year in EAGLE vision - wave wizard

see kweaking for the year starter

we spotted DRAGON 161 in DREAMSPELL base ..
then it fused with TZOLKIN wizard 114 into 015, EAGLE in WIZARD wave

maybe hard to follow , but then this is yr tutorial times ...

experience KIN go with the flow ..
that means they curve the spirals,stairs and drops
in this full experience for what energy means to huemen ..

Remember wizard wave is also the wave for SOLAR kin 022 ,
the double swan / S'one as we meander on words to get the full spice ..

From the 15 spice we could imagine 14 was the initiator all the time for this special birthing year .. this is a rule to emphasize ..

take 14 as 1 thumb and 4 fingers and everyone has the gear at hand to deeply respect for being given .. in some heavenly abundance !

while chanting 9 tones ..
this is the challenging one on seal EAGLE
the MIND power
essence VISION

what more to say from the well ?

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