Wednesday, January 4, 2012

3rd Kweak Moon 6: Daya 6 - URdaya )) GAMM AYA ((

))) NEU REE BAH {{{

I sung this morning,  neureebah.  long before the sun awoke.

There was attention of a beautiful starry sky
and a moon dressed in a rainbow wreath.

 I stood, scantily dressed, near the stream in my garden,
which was swollen into a powerful river.
The balmy  breath of the stormy wind kept me warm. 

What an experience!.

A parting tribute from the centre of a troubled world.

}}} GAM MA YA {{{

Then I sung gammaya.
The wind howls through my body,
and I become one with wind and water.
A fully touch. 
I halt with slowly unblinded eyes ...
how vain it is to seek the comfort by change of place
but still deny the mind.

My acknowledgement and sincere gratitude accompanies
these musings

So I withdraw in silent retraite.
My mind instinctively makes me descend,
like winding round a rock,
till I achieve my inner point,
that shows the happy valley.
The fragrant air retains its tenderness.
And among the thoughts of hills and woods,
flows a brave stream,
once traceable, then hidden,
and at last his sight
restored by the glitter of the sun.

coöperated by } Mykey { & }} De K'uil {{


1 comment:

  1. oOo\

    GreeTinGs S'ace , i took a walk'about a lonG the
    RiVeR w/ WtR DrGn ... each steP i was in 'forM Dd
    as ( 2 ) GiVe AttN tION tooo bOTh 'hAnDS' , places
    a'lonG thE 'HaNDlE'.... like , chaNG inG GeArS ,
    e a s y p'ace , Qui' Ker p'ace , aNd , SwIFTlY ,
    tHeN , liFT oFF , Ru NNin G , .... aNd too uSe
    bOtH hANdS , >>> .... Sooo mUcH eNeR GY , yET ,
    pErFeCT bAlaNCE , ... MoRe F U N eAcH sTeP !

    ....... }G A MMMMMM MA YA{{{{ }N A G A MMMMMMM
    Ma YA{{{{{{{

    ... re TuRN inG , i sPOO TDd a 'rOcK cLiFF' ,
    'oVeR HAnG' ... rUMBL eD tHRu brAM bLeS ....
    cRaWL Dd iN SiDe ... gIVeWaY bLeSSinG ...
    iMMedi aTeLY sE E aN }}}}oLd wArrIoR{{{{
    ....... rAvEN feA TH er ....... bEEn tHRu
    he LL , tAtteR Dd , dUSTy , sTiLL sHiN NinG ,
    per FECT K'uiL , ...

    .PPauSe N toBB aCO sm OKe , hOlY sm OKe , ...
    .lisTe nING i See a vINe ... { 2 , 3 , 4 ,}
    ... spiRAL inG rOOuN Dd ONE ANOOTHER ~{}}{}{{}
    .tHiS beCOMes a wAVe rLY ry THyMe w / TaIL
    oF A dOlpHiN .... doUSe inG TaIL fAn ....
    sIx fEE T L oNG .... uppPPP ... dddDDDownnn ...
    . wrAPP Dd arOOun Dd ... bOinGGGG ... b OInGGG ... GiVeWaYlOvE ...

    ... sTi LL pOnD sEE inG cOlOr fUL L duC Ks ...
    pa DDL inG aRoooun Dd , fe RNs gR EEn gRa SSs ,
    uND er waTer cLus Ters frOG s eGGs twINK LinG ,
    ... siLK Y stRan Ds 'wa VinG too aNd fro' ...
    . QuiET .
