Sunday, December 4, 2011

DAYA 21 : 273.M.3.3 ~ Nessdaya ~ alphaoenix

(intro: this third kweak daya 3, 6 & 9 are read by S'aceY tele-guided by MyKey with a fever)

Each morning i check up my inner body
having some exercise in a movement
guided by the sound of
} Neu Ree Bah {

Initiating the Mantra of the daya
i honour OHM
and enter the kweakworld by } bioVoid {
Then the focus is set on

}}} Alphaoenix {{{

which i repeat while adjusting a bodily motion

} Al {
vibrates on my throat chakra
to silence or moderate its tension to speak

} pha {
envisions chrystal lines all around the heart
as a map indicating possibilities for a go

} oen {
is here chanted as "eun"
vibrates the root
and grounds in good ol' me

} nix {
immediately brings up the meaning of a "niche"
which must be my destiny
for talents to accomplish

all together the experience reminds me
to the story of the Three Musceteers
who actually were four
this "niche" enchants my hôme

}} is this the v under the line of ALPHA symbol ? {{

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